To Kill a Man / | / Cuba


Javi shows up for the last time at a queer club where he works as an erotic dancer, but he must deal with Castillo, a regular customer who resists the fact that he will never see him again.

Cast Ángel Ruz, Eduardo Martínez, Kiriam Gutiérrez
Producers Pichu Valdez, Matheus Moura
Screenwriters Isadora Liz, Joab Huc
Director of Photography Clara Borrell
Editor Verónica Díaz
Music composer Rafael Ramírez
Art Director Juan Carlos Tavio
Costume designer Yudit Domínguez
Producer EICTV (Cuba)
Original title Matar a un hombre
Nationality Cuba
Production year 2023
National release 31/07/2023
Runtime 12 min.
Color type
Aspect Ratio 16/9
Audio format Stéréo
