Gretel Marín Palacio


Master’s degree in Documentary Film (Paris Diderot University, Paris, 2013) and Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual Media Direction ( Higher Institut of Arts, Havana, 2011). Her documentaries have been selected by several international festivals. El Último País, her first feature documentary had its premiere at the Malaga International Film Festival, and was selected in competition at the Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival, 2018. She has collaborated as editor and director for four years ( 2014-2018 ) with the audiovisual production company Geração 80 Produções, in Luanda, Angola, and has produced audiovisual materials for Mosaiko, a civil organization for human rights in Angola. Her latest documentary “Lava Roads”, about racism un Cuba, is in its distribution phase and has been supported by the Go Cuba fund of the World Cinema Amsterdam Festival and by the Hanna Arendt Institute of Activism fund.