• Max. Quality: 720

The Swimmers 2010 /


In the border of Havana City there is a small town. In this little town there is a school. At the rural school a swimming instructor is preparing five children for a competition. The only pool that exists in the whole town is empty. So that their students do not lose the illusion, the teacher takes them by the surrounding villages in search of a full pool. Finding no “water” this professor will find a solution for his young learners do not lose hope to win the competition.

Cast Mario Guerra, Osvaldo Doimeadiós, Lieter Ledesma
Producer Claudia Calviño
Original title Los Bañistas
Production year 2010
Runtime 14 min.
Current Status
Color type
Aspect Ratio 1
Audio format Mono
Silver Hugo @ Chicago International Film Festival
Best Short Film @ Havana International Film Festival

