Vicenta B. Pre-production /

Vicenta (55), is a medium gifted with the ability to talk to the dead and see the future. She daily receives a dozen of women friends at home who come to her in the search of truth. She lives in a big old house with the only company of her submissive daughter Vivian (22). Their lives are surrounded by a magic world full of ghosts, and characterized also by a sort of possessive relationship from mother to girl. One day Vivian unexpectedly leaves the house. For the first time Vicenta is by herself and can’t focus on her medium’s work. In the middle of a crisis of faith, she seems to have lost her gift. She can’t make it to read her cards. It seems like her gods won’t talk to her anymore. Vivian helps her mother to understand that for the very first time both of them are free… they can really do whatever they want. But, what to do with so much freedom? How to do it without a clear guidance?

Producer Claudia Calviño
Original title Vicenta B.
Current Status
Color type
Aspect Ratio 1
Audio format Mono
